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Banana Berry Muesli Pancakes

It's pancake time. You get around to making good pancakes pretty quickly with your standard recipes. Now it's time to crank things up a bit. With these pancakes, I've got for a stack of banana pancakes, with High Protein Muesli from the High Protein Breakfast Company - BERRY MODE. On top, we've got some kiwifruit sorbet, which is about the easiest sorbet you'll ever make. It's like dessert for breakfast, but healthy. Give yourself some brownie points.


- Non-Stick Frying Pan or a good Cast Iron Pan

- Plastic Spatula

- Fork

- 2 Mixing Bowls

- Ladle

- Food Processor

Ingredients (makes about 10 medium-sized pancakes)

- 2 Eggs

- 2 Cups of Milk

- 1/2 Cup of White Flour

- 1/2 Cup of Wholemeal Flour

- 1/2 Cup of High Protein Muesli, or for international readers, 1/4 Cup of Quick Oats, 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds, 1/4 Cup of Frozen Berries, Roasted Almonds

- 2 1/2 Teaspoons of Baking Powder

- 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil.

- 2 Bananas, 1 Mashed up thoroughly with a fork, the other sliced

- A Pinch of Sea Salt

- Fresh Strawberries

- 3 Green or Gold Kiwifruit

- Coconut Oil or butter


The night before, peel your kiwifruit, put them into a container and then the freezer.

On the morning of your pancake cook-out, mix all the ingredients together, except the muesli (or international mix) and banana, thoroughly, until smooth. The consistency you should have is a thick, glossy mixture, that is pourable. If it thickly coats the back of a spoon, you're there.

Add your muesli (or substitute) and banana, mix thoroughly again.

The sugar content of these pancakes will be higher than normal due to the banana. Cook on a medium heat. I like to stir with the ladle to keep the mixture consistent with each pancake.

Flip the pancake when bubbles appear on the top facing side.

Retrieve your kiwifruit from the freezer and put them in food processor on high until creamy. This is your sorbet!

The cooked pancakes will be slightly bready, slightly stodgy (They're wetter because of the banana), with a rich browning on the outside.

Serve with a quenelle of kiwifruit, and sliced strawberries and banana between each layer, and more muesli.


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