My Favourite Pizza

So many varieties of pizza, so many hits, (so many misses) and this one is my absolute favourite. Blue cheese and prosciutto are two rockstars that share the stage with a backing band of Packham Pear, sweet Italian tomatoes and creamy mozzarella. I topped mine with rocket and dabbed it with greek yoghurt and it was just mental.

Ingredients (makes 8, 7 inch pizzas)

For the Pizza Dough

1kg Strong White Bread Flour

500ml Lukewarm Water

150ml Milk

14g Active Dried Yeast

1 Tablespoon Golden Syrup

2 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sea Salt

2 Teaspoons dried Marjoram

For the Topping

Good quality blue cheese

2 Packham Pears, sliced

150g thinly sliced prosciutto

10 Button Mushrooms, sliced

2 Finely Sliced Red Onions

Italian Tomato Puree


Rocket Leaves

Greek Yoghurt



I love pizza because it's crazily simple.

Preheat the oven to 250 C (or higher if it'll allow.)

In a mixing bowl, sift the flour and mix in the marjoram. In a separate container, mix together the milk, water and golden syrup until the syrup has dissolved. Stir in a teaspoon of salt, the yeast and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Leave it for five minutes - it'll go foamy. Make a well in the flour. Pour the yeast mixture in then slowly mix it all together with a fork.

Eventually you'll need to get stuck in with your hands. Knead the dough until it's smooth and stretchy. Section it off into 8 pieces and mold them into fat discs. Let them rest for 30 minutes in a warm place.

Spin the dough out before you use it into a flat disc that is a little thicker around the edges and generally flat in the middle. Transfer it to a pizza stone (I use a pizza stone). Brush the edges of the dough with olive oil. Then, spread two tablespoons of puree. Spread over red onion, sprinkle with mozzarella (I like the cheese underneath). Next, about 6 slices of pear, a handful of sliced mushroom and prosciutto dotted about the place. Finally, dot it with blue cheese. I usually aim for two knobs per slice.

Dust with salt and pepper and whip it in the oven. Watch the mushrooms brown, the prosciutto darkens and crisps up and the crusts go brown and toasty.

Serve with rocket and dabs of greek yoghurt,

