Crispy Summer Salad

Seasons require their own cuisine. I made this summer salad as a light dinner, but could be lunch, or a snack! I think that fruit flavours go brilliantly with savoury, so we've got two: strawberry and pomegrante, along with a light dashing of orange blossom water. It's a super simple recipe with only a couple of cooked ingredients. So lets get started: Blink and you'll miss it.


- 2 roasting dishes

- 1 Sharp knife

- A peeler

- Frying Pan

Ingredients (For 4)

- 2 large sweet potatoes, red, gold, orange

- 1 Red Cabbage, roughly chopped

- 6 Stalks of Kale

- 6 Stalks of Silverbeet

- 1 Pomegranate

- 10-12 strawberries

- Mixed seeds

- Orange blossom water

- Butter

- Olive oil


Preheat oven to to 200 Celsius, and in a medium pot, salt and boil about a litre of water.

Peel and cube sweet potatoes, and put in the boiling water for five minutes. Drain water from sweet potatoes.

Toss the par-boiled sweet potatoes in a knob of butter until it has melted from the residual heat. Place the sweet potato on an oven tray, and put in the oven.

Preheat a frying pan until it is screaming hot.

Char the roughly chopped cabbage in a lightly oiled frying pan.

Remove stalks from silverbeet and kale

De-seed pomengranates

Chop strawberries into slivers

Test to see whether the sweet potato is cooked. When done and nicely coloured on the outside, remove from the oven.

Toss with the other salad ingredients, and very lightly douse with orange blossom water, and drizzle with olive oil.

Serve and salt.

